Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday's Five

5.  We can take a hint.  Being a volunteer means moving decorative props up and down the stairs to the storage room as needed.  In most cases, we have no idea how this stuff is used, but during the holidays (read: every two weeks or so), we do a lot of transporting decorations and posters and such.  This big heart has been next to the stairs for two days, but no one gave us instructions ("This goes in the floor to the left of the door, beside the wooden red the other wooden red heart, the big one"), so we hadn't moved it.  Today, we came in from lunch to find this... We get the picture, Sister.

4.  Does anyone know how to use one of these things?

3.  Katie and Emily crocheted the Sisters scarves for thank-you gifts.  They totally dug them, especially the sparkly ones from Emily.  Not sure how we're going to top that come August.

2.  No swimming?  No problem.

1.  Chatting with our besties, who may have una bebé nueva come this time tomorrow.  Benvenieda al mundo, Ellie!  We can't wait to meet you!

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