Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday's Five:

5.  Nuns can't drive.  We're talking blinker on for miles, eight to ten attempts at the parallel parking spot before giving up, nearly hitting a family, and being flipped the dedo medio.

4.  No one shows up for school when it rains.  Really, not one student.  We could have had the day to do something fun if it weren't for the fact that no one does anything when it rains...

3.  Stores don't sell chocolate chips.  I was planning on making cookies, but I'll have to cut up some some chocolate bars first.  Also, no brown sugar.

2.  However, they DO sell ice cream by the kilo.  This makes up for #3.

1.  When your hair dryer explodes in the outlet and your hair is a mile wide in the humidity, people will call you a lion.  More than once.  

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