Saturday, July 20, 2013

Saturday Six

6.  There's a circus in town.  To promote it, they put their giant elephant and dog (maybe?) in a couple of lawn chairs on the top of the van.  Later, they sent out these terrifying clowns.  Due to my pathetic photography skills, you can't tell exactly how terrifying they really are, but I'm pretty sure they made a threatening gesture to the teenage boys selling chipas at the bus stop.  

As a side note, Sister Elizabeth won't let us go see the circus, due to the "ugly" treatment of animals.  

5. Dinner our first night in the rain forest.  I asked for chicken and vegetables.  Then I watched the chef go out to the garden and pick the veggies.  B had the fish.  

4. I got 47 bug bites as souvenirs from our trip to the rainforest.  These aren't from Mosquitos, either.  They are little black monsters that make your legs and feet burn like fire.  Also, there's no way to make your legs look pretty in a photo showcasing your collection of swollen pox.  I'll spare you my attempts.

3.  Got home at dinnertime last night with three loads of dirty laundry to do before we leave tomorrow for Brazil.  You guessed it, it rained all day in a country with no clothes dryers.  We turned sala azul into a big makeshift drying machine with two fans going at full speed and an antique space heater.  If this doesn't work in the next 12 hours, then I'm going on a ten day trip with three pairs of undies.  

2.  The other night I was sneaking around after dark looking for batteries in the pantry.  When I opened the kitchen door I was greeted with a nasty scream from the equally nasty cat glowing in the darkness, alit only by the moonlight from the window.  Scared the living daylights out of me.  

I don't exaggerate when I say that this is a creature that only some nuns could love.  It's black with a white face and its nose and cheeks are swollen all the time.  Plus, it has big bald patches under its ears from the fleas (or fights with other creatures--this is up for debate).  Sadly, cat was unavailable for photo, on account of its being missing from the house for the last several days.  I swear I didn't do it!

1.  We're off to Rio de Janeiro in the morning for World Youth Day.  We'll say hi to the Pope for you!!

And Kim and Kanye if we run into them!  It might be awkward though, because I'm def taking my Barbie pink maxi dress and acid yellow pumps.

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