Thursday, August 15, 2013

Our (very indirect) Journey home

We arrived back in the States last week and spent a few very good days with the Canossian Sisters in Albuquerque.  My posts about Paraguay are not done.... but in the meantime (while still processing all my thoughts/feelings/emotions) I figured I should update everyone on our road trip.

Day 1 (Tuesday):  Albuquerque, NM to Winter Park, CO
  • left ABQ and the Canossian Sisters around 8:30 AM on Tuesday (photo top right with Sister Christina)
  • visited Garden of the Gods in Colorado Spring, CO
  • looked a bit around Denver-- including a brief tour of State Capitol
  • enjoyed a great dinner at Mountain Sun Brew Pub in Boulder, CO followed by fresh baked cookies from Boulder Baked
  • backtracked a bit and ended the night at about 11:00 PM in Winter Park, CO
Day 2 (Wednesday):  Winter Park, CO to Custer, SD
  • got on the road a little before 9:00 AM and looked a bit around Grand Lake, CO
  • drove the 45 mile Trail Ridge Road through the Park (see photo right)
  • had an amazing lunch at Village Inn (nothing fancy... just really good) and took off driving North on I-25
  • visited Fort Laramie National Park (see photo of rabbit taken on the historic grounds)
  • drove some really long, straight, State roads through some NASTY storms, up and into South Dakota.  I cannot get over how much open space there is in the West. (photo below, too)
  • arrived in Custer, South Dakota around 8:30 PM.  Amazing pizza for dinner from a local joint.  Another long day of driving tomorrow.   

Tomorrow we will be visiting Mount Rushmore and Badlands National Park.  Likely arrival in the Commonwealth... Saturday.

Our trip so far... roughly 1000 miles.

View Driving directions to Custer, SD in a larger map

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