Thursday, May 23, 2013

Fish Tank

A volunteer's work is never done...and very rarely what you expect.

Hna. Noami has a screensaver that she watches with some regularity. It shows an under water scene with fish of all shapes and sizes, swimming around and doing the cute things fish do. She's very generous about inviting you to watch it with her. She especially enjoys it when the crabs wander in and try to eat the smaller fish.

Tonight B went into the computer room to ask a question, and found her distraught. Instead of her usual perky fish collection frolicking in crystal blue waters, the screen was black and all that was left of the fish were their skeletons.

My husband spent the next half hour figuring out, translating the options, and adjusting the settings to revive the on-screen aquarium. "More crabs. Less sea horses. Make the bubbles bigger."

Add to resume: Screensaver aquarium repair.

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