Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Spiders Everywhere

I am still in limbo regarding my visa...  I talked to the embassy this morning and they are working on resolving the issue although I think it will be a slow process because today is a holiday.  I am trying not to think too much about it.

Today we are cleaning the house in preparation for a visit from the Sister in charge of all of South America.  I think she arrives tomorrow.  Anyhow, in an effort not to think too much about the visa thing, I decided to post about something else really scary... SPIDERS.

I think we are up to like 9 Tarantula sightings.  Chelsey and I encountered this behemoth in the yard on Monday.  We were sitting outside reading and I spotted it (and one smaller spider) in the grass.  Chelsey filmed while I neutralized the threat.  

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