Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday's Five

Five things they have in Paraguay:

5. Toilets that flush backwards.  Upon further research, the distinction between flushing direction in the northern and southern hemisphere is some sort of myth.  It all depends on the direction that the water is introduced, and the shape of the toilet, not on the Coriolis effect.  Did you all know this?  I feel like my entire time in the southern hemisphere has been some sort of fraud.

I'm keeping this video on here anyway, because it took so long to upload.

4.  $.75 nail polish.  It ain't O-P-I, and it might give me cancer or something, but it's a nice diversion, and the Sisters love it.

3. Glow-in-the-dark crucifixes. Like in every single room... Except mine, thank goodness.

2. Families on mopeds. This is more like two families, but you get the point.

1. Catholic recitals to the tunes of "Sound of Silence" and "Blowin' in the Wind" during church services. When this happens, I just full-out sing the original lyrics. I don't know the words to the Catholic stuff in English, much less Spanish. I am much more familiar with Simon and Garfunkel's greatest hits and the Forrest Gump soundtrack.

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